jueves, 18 de abril de 2024

L2TP Ipsec Windows to Mikrotik eror 789

 Add this to registry

REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PolicyAgent /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f

Delete connection and create it again

martes, 26 de marzo de 2024

Proxmox Backup Server find backup for specific chunk

 proxmox-backup-debug inspect chunk b531d3ffc9bd7c65748a61198c060678326a431db7eded874c327b7986e595e0 --reference-filter /path/in/a/datastore/directory

reference-filter  <- path to the Datastore


Technical Overview — Proxmox Backup 3.1.4-1 documentation

Resize ZFS

 If iscsi -> rescan disk after the volume has been increase, for instance sdb

echo 1 >/sys/block/sdb/device/rescan

zpool online -e POOL /dev/sdb  <- Or other device, for instace scsi-... the volume displayed in the zpool list command

zpool list 

Verify status

zpool status POOL

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024

Restart Hyper Backup - Synology DSM CLI

 Connect vía SSH and sudo

 synopkg stop HyperBackup

 synopkg stop HyperBackup

viernes, 9 de febrero de 2024

Disable IPv6 Windows - PowerShell


Get-NetAdapterBinding | Where-Object ComponentID -EQ 'ms_tcpip6'

Disable one

Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name 'Ethernet' -ComponentID 'ms_tcpip6'

Disable all

Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name "*" -ComponentID ms_tcpip6

L2TP Ipsec Windows to Mikrotik eror 789

 Add this to registry REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PolicyAgent /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d...