- rendom /list
- notepad Domainlist.xml
- (edit file and save)
- rendom /showforest (show changes)
- rendom /upload
- rendom /prepare
- rendom /execute
- Domain controllers restarts themselves
- Workstations and servers must be rebooted twice to change their names
- Rename manually domains controllers
- netdom computername DC01.dominio.com /add:DC01:newdomain.com
- netdom computername DC01.dominio.com /makeprimary:DC01:newdomain.com
- Reboot domain controllers to apply changes
- gpfixup /olddns:dominio.com /newdns:newdomain.com
- rendom /clean
- rendom /end
If DNS problems... (From Changing Domain and Updating DNS (microsoft.com))
Create a new zone for the domain name:
- Create whatever the domain name is called, nedomain.local or newdomain.com (whatever the new AD DNS domain name is).
- Make the zone AD integrated.
- For the replication scope select the center button (To all DNS servers running on domain controllers in the domain), and allow Secure and Unsecure Updates.
Then create the _msdcs zone:
- Create an _msdcs.newdomain.local or _msdcs.newdomain.com zone (as above, whatever the new AD DNS domain name is.
- Make the zone AD integrated.
- For replication scope, select the top button (To all DNS servers running on domain controllers in the forest), and allow Secure and Unsecure updates.
Then either restart the DC, or run the following (which is my usual option):
- ipconfig /registerdns
- Net stop netlogon
- net start netlogon
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